Symbol bootstrap v0.2.0 から v0.2.2 へのバージョンアップ

Symbol bootstrap のワーキングディレクトリへ移動。(READMEの通りだと my-networks)

$ cd my-networks
~/my-networks$ symbol-bootstrap --help
Symbol tool that allows you creating, configuring and running Symbol's networks

  symbol-bootstrap/0.2.0 linux-x64 node-v15.0.1

  $ symbol-bootstrap [COMMAND]

  clean        It removes the target folder deleting the generated configuration and data
  compose      It generates the `docker-compose.yml` file from the configured network.
  config       Command used to set up the configuration files and the nemesis block for the current network
  healthCheck  It checks if the services created with docker compose are up and running.
  help         display help for symbol-bootstrap
  link         It announces VRF and Voting Link transactions to the network for each node with 'Peer' or 'Voting' roles. This command finalizes the node
               registration to an existing network.
  report       it generates reStructuredText (.rst) reports describing the configuration of each node.
  resetData    It removes the data keeping the generated configuration, certificates, keys and block 1.
  run          It boots the network via docker using the generated `docker-compose.yml` file and configuration. The config and compose methods/commands
               need to be called before this method. This is just a wrapper for the `docker-compose up` bash call.
  start        Single command that aggregates config, compose and run in one line!
  stop         It stops the docker-compose network if running (symbol-bootstrap started with --detached). This is just a wrapper for the `docker-compose
               down` bash call.

ヘルプで確認すると stop コマンドがあるので停止させる

$ symbol-bootstrap stop
                            _               _           _                       _           _
  ___   _   _   _ __ ___   | |__     ___   | |         | |__     ___     ___   | |_   ___  | |_   _ __    __ _   _ __
 / __| | | | | | '_ ` _ \  | '_ \   / _ \  | |  _____  | '_ \   / _ \   / _ \  | __| / __| | __| | '__|  / _` | | '_ \
 \__ \ | |_| | | | | | | | | |_) | | (_) | | | |_____| | |_) | | (_) | | (_) | | |_  \__ \ | |_  | |    | (_| | | |_) |
 |___/  \__, | |_| |_| |_| |_.__/   \___/  |_|         |_.__/   \___/   \___/   \__| |___/  \__| |_|     \__,_| | .__/
        |___/                                                                                                   |_|
2020-11-03T07:46:31.387Z info     Spawn command: docker-compose -f target/docker/docker-compose.yml down
Stopping rest-gateway ... done
Stopping api-node     ...
Stopping api-node     ... done
Stopping db           ...
Stopping api-broker   ... done

Stopping db           ... done

Removing rest-gateway ...
Removing rest-gateway ... done
Removing api-broker   ...
Removing db           ...
Removing api-broker   ... done

Removing db           ... done

Removing network docker_default


$ sudo rm -rf ./target


$ sudo npm install -g symbol-bootstrap
npm WARN deprecated request-promise-native@1.0.9: request-promise-native has been deprecated because it extends the now deprecated request package, see
npm WARN deprecated har-validator@5.1.5: this library is no longer supported
npm WARN deprecated request@2.88.2: request has been deprecated, see
npm WARN deprecated js-joda@1.11.0: This package is deprecated, please check/use @js-joda/core instead

added 212 packages, and audited 212 packages in 15s

13 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

found 0 vulnerabilities


$ symbol-bootstrap -v
symbol-bootstrap/0.2.1 linux-x64 node-v15.0.1

(おや?バージョン0.2.1 まぁいいや)


$ symbol-bootstrap config -p testnet -a dual
                            _               _           _                       _           _
  ___   _   _   _ __ ___   | |__     ___   | |         | |__     ___     ___   | |_   ___  | |_   _ __    __ _   _ __
 / __| | | | | | '_ ` _ \  | '_ \   / _ \  | |  _____  | '_ \   / _ \   / _ \  | __| / __| | __| | '__|  / _` | | '_ \
 \__ \ | |_| | | | | | | | | |_) | | (_) | | | |_____| | |_) | | (_) | | (_) | | |_  \__ \ | |_  | |    | (_| | | |_) |
 |___/  \__, | |_| |_| |_| |_.__/   \___/  |_|         |_.__/   \___/   \___/   \__| |___/  \__| |_|     \__,_| | .__/
        |___/                                                                                                   |_|
2020-11-03T08:11:50.933Z info     Generating config from preset bootstrap
2020-11-03T08:11:50.995Z info     Pulling image symbolplatform/symbol-server:tools-gcc-
2020-11-03T08:11:51.036Z info     Spawn command: docker pull symbolplatform/symbol-server:tools-gcc-
2020-11-03T08:11:54.288Z info     tools-gcc- Pulling from symbolplatform/symbol-server
Digest: sha256:0c8564a8a4065530fb824f340e84397221290f9df2ac1566c02b495bf4a7e0b6
Status: Image is up to date for symbolplatform/symbol-server:tools-gcc-
2020-11-03T08:11:54.290Z info
2020-11-03T08:11:54.296Z info     Image pulled:
2020-11-03T08:11:54.620Z info     User for docker resolved: 1000:1000

2020-11-03T08:11:54.621Z info     Running image using Exec: symbolplatform/symbol-server:tools-gcc- bash
2020-11-03T08:11:54.643Z info     User for docker resolved: 1000:1000

2020-11-03T08:11:54.644Z info     Running image using Exec: symbolplatform/symbol-server:tools-gcc- bash
2020-11-03T08:11:54.656Z info     Running image using Exec: symbolplatform/symbol-server:tools-gcc- bash
2020-11-03T08:11:58.455Z info     Certificate for node peer-node-1 created
2020-11-03T08:11:58.503Z info     Certificate for node api-node-0 created
2020-11-03T08:11:58.529Z info     Certificate for node peer-node-0 created
2020-11-03T08:11:58.988Z info     Non-voting node api-node-0.
2020-11-03T08:11:58.990Z info     Running image using Exec: symbolplatform/symbol-server:tools-gcc- /usr/catapult/bin/ --secret=35FD6E30B21C098F8BCAD01D0E70F0EFC092E58ECE7B8FFCCF9E98BAA2627E5E --dilution=128 --startEpoch=1 --endEpoch=26280 --output=/votingKeys/private_key_tree1.dat
2020-11-03T08:11:59.006Z info     Running image using Exec: symbolplatform/symbol-server:tools-gcc- /usr/catapult/bin/ --secret=5C67DB9C73A75E206B79109CEB4F3F50273A4F91F5E9333C53CB018AA61F7C27 --dilution=128 --startEpoch=1 --endEpoch=26280 --output=/votingKeys/private_key_tree1.dat
2020-11-03T08:12:01.022Z info     Voting key executed for node peer-node-0!
2020-11-03T08:12:01.055Z info     Voting key executed for node peer-node-1!
2020-11-03T08:12:01.245Z info     Running image using Exec: symbolplatform/symbol-server:tools-gcc- /usr/catapult/bin/ --resources=/userconfig --nemesisProperties=./userconfig/
2020-11-03T08:12:02.487Z info     Nemgen executed!!!!
2020-11-03T08:12:02.538Z info     Configuration generated.

docker-compose ファイル生成?

$ symbol-bootstrap compose
                            _               _           _                       _           _
  ___   _   _   _ __ ___   | |__     ___   | |         | |__     ___     ___   | |_   ___  | |_   _ __    __ _   _ __
 / __| | | | | | '_ ` _ \  | '_ \   / _ \  | |  _____  | '_ \   / _ \   / _ \  | __| / __| | __| | '__|  / _` | | '_ \
 \__ \ | |_| | | | | | | | | |_) | | (_) | | | |_____| | |_) | | (_) | | (_) | | |_  \__ \ | |_  | |    | (_| | | |_) |
 |___/  \__, | |_| |_| |_| |_.__/   \___/  |_|         |_.__/   \___/   \___/   \__| |___/  \__| |_|     \__,_| | .__/
        |___/                                                                                                   |_|
2020-11-03T08:13:08.021Z info     User for docker resolved: 1000:1000

2020-11-03T08:13:08.027Z info     creating docker-compose.yml from last used profile.
2020-11-03T08:13:08.060Z info     docker-compose.yml file created /home/ubuntu/my-networks/target/docker/docker-compose.yml


$ symbol-bootstrap run
                            _               _           _                       _           _
  ___   _   _   _ __ ___   | |__     ___   | |         | |__     ___     ___   | |_   ___  | |_   _ __    __ _   _ __
 / __| | | | | | '_ ` _ \  | '_ \   / _ \  | |  _____  | '_ \   / _ \   / _ \  | __| / __| | __| | '__|  / _` | | '_ \
 \__ \ | |_| | | | | | | | | |_) | | (_) | | | |_____| | |_) | | (_) | | (_) | | |_  \__ \ | |_  | |    | (_| | | |_) |
 |___/  \__, | |_| |_| |_| |_.__/   \___/  |_|         |_.__/   \___/   \___/   \__| |___/  \__| |_|     \__,_| | .__/
        |___/                                                                                                   |_|
2020-11-03T08:14:47.370Z info     Pulling image mongo:4.2.6-bionic
2020-11-03T08:14:47.397Z info     Spawn command: docker pull mongo:4.2.6-bionic
2020-11-03T08:14:47.398Z info     Pulling image symbolplatform/symbol-server:gcc-
2020-11-03T08:14:47.420Z info     Spawn command: docker pull symbolplatform/symbol-server:gcc-
2020-11-03T08:14:47.422Z info     Pulling image symbolplatform/symbol-rest:2.1.0
2020-11-03T08:14:47.445Z info     Spawn command: docker pull symbolplatform/symbol-rest:2.1.0
2020-11-03T08:14:49.072Z info     gcc- Pulling from symbolplatform/symbol-server
Digest: sha256:6ad8417c1567cc07f834b389d953e0b5c4c7fb75a841671488b4ae93408e21ab
Status: Image is up to date for symbolplatform/symbol-server:gcc-
2020-11-03T08:14:49.073Z info
2020-11-03T08:14:49.074Z info     4.2.6-bionic: Pulling from library/mongo
2020-11-03T08:14:49.078Z info     Image pulled:
2020-11-03T08:14:49.322Z info     2.1.0: Pulling from symbolplatform/symbol-rest
2020-11-03T08:14:49.323Z info     Digest: sha256:5aa54ce2a911befc7441e233a01414bbeca57777b1b6634f3b4a83fb63c84cda
Status: Image is up to date for symbolplatform/symbol-rest:2.1.0
2020-11-03T08:14:49.328Z info     Image pulled:
2020-11-03T08:14:49.667Z info     Digest: sha256:a89b09e8bc3153c5c87c52e36a7b6f992ee874c5329cc631e5d9542bf1cbfe31
Status: Image is up to date for mongo:4.2.6-bionic
2020-11-03T08:14:49.667Z info
2020-11-03T08:14:49.674Z info     Image pulled:
2020-11-03T08:14:49.691Z info     Spawn command: docker-compose -f target/docker/docker-compose.yml up --remove-orphans
peer-node-0 is up-to-date
api-node-broker-0 is up-to-date
peer-node-1 is up-to-date
db-0 is up-to-date
api-node-0 is up-to-date
rest-gateway-0 is up-to-date
Attaching to peer-node-0, api-node-broker-0, peer-node-1, db-0, api-node-0, rest-gateway-0
api-node-0           | RUNNING api-node-0
api-node-0           | !!!! DO NOT HAVE ANY LOCK FILE... There is no need to recover
api-node-0           | RUNNING api-node-0
api-node-0           | !!!! Going to start server now....
api-node-0           | Copyright (c) Jaguar0625, gimre, BloodyRookie, Tech Bureau, Corp.
api-node-0           | catapult version: (public)
api-node-0           | loading resources from "./userconfig/resources"
api-node-0           | loading configuration from "./userconfig/resources/"



$ curl http://localhost:3000/node/info

$ curl http://localhost:3000/chain/info

